Senin, 15 November 2010


3 tahun lebih di tempat yang sama dengan berbagai warna hidup
 inilah sebagian warna saya selama 3 tahun terakhir...

in action...

 eat.. eat.. and eat...

dont call him big man... he's just "lebar"...

 your best picture guys...

 our first Account Representative chief...

 our mommy... (maaf ya saya sering ikutan foto bu..)

u better hide ur meals from him... he is danger for it...

 she is good in excell formula's and traditional west java language SUNDA

 our entertainer.. MC, models... and singer (brasa merk mesin jahit ya..)

now he is a lecturer

our boss...

diposting sebelum foto2 ini suatu saat sengaja/tidak terhapus. ^^

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